Guillaume Pigeard's Photo

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Wants to Meet Up

  • Last login 8 months ago

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  • 230 references 156 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French; learning Chinese
  • 43, Male
  • Member since 2007
  • Travel as often as possible
  • Studied IT... who said boring ?
  • From Tours, Centre-Val de Loire, France
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

--- IMPORTANT ----------------------------------
If your profile is empty, don't even bother to send me a request.
If you are new to CS, read this before you send me a request :

My name is Guillaume (pronounce Geeyom or Giom or "Hey, the French Guy" or just make up a nickname), I'm French and I am 35. My aim is to meet interesting people, to discover new culture, new countries and to guide people in Rouen, where I live.

I spent 2.5 years traveling around the world (February 2013 to August 2015).
Time flies !!

A perfect perfect quote :
"When meeting people from a foreign culture, offer a few gifts that reflect your interests as a gesture of friendship. Better yet, give things you've created yourself. Also, explore their interests and their culture. Ultimately, the best way to forge a lasting friendship is to create something together. Whether it's a meal, an art project or a spontaneous dance party, when you create something with others, you build a connection that lasts a lifetime." from International Diplomacy Guidebook


One VERY important thing : I have received and still receive many requests from people who I consider haven't understood the principle of CouchSurfing : Too make it short : I AM NOT A FREE HOTEL !
For us, hosts, Couchsurfing is not about making guest save money. It is a way to meet and interact with people. It actually costs money to your host to host you, you know ? (water, electricity, sometimes food...).
So how can I make sure you won't be a freeloader ? I will verify if you understood the real concept of Couchsurfing with few easy questions :
- Is your profile well filled ?
- Does your profile give trust ?
- Is your couchrequest original ?
- Does your couchrequest reflect that you are interested in meeting me ?
- Have you ever hosted someone ?
If the answers are all "No", then the conclusion is obvious : a minimum of effort to find a free hotel. This is not Couchsurfing. And of course I will decline your request.
You would have a much better chance of success on Couchsurfing if you understand the meaning of it.
I recommend you to read this article :

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

If you want to discover the city in which Joan of Arc (Jeanne d'Arc) has been burnt, if you want to visit this "hundred church" city, Rouen, don't hesitate to contact me, I will lend you my couch.

Countries where I surfed = 600+ nights in 32 countries :
Denmark : 2 hosts & 4 nights
Sweden : 1 host & 2 nights
Norway : 4 hosts & 4 nights
Poland : 4 hosts & 10 nights
Czech Republic : 1 host & 3 nights
Slovakia : 2 hosts & 2 nights
Austria : 1 host & 2 nights
Hungary : 1 host & 2 nights
Scotland : 1 host & 3 nights
France : 4 hosts & 8 nights
Canada : 14 hosts & 35 nights
USA : 60 hosts & 179 nights
Mexico : 1 host & 2 nights
New Zealand :
Australia : 2 hosts & 7 nights
Brunei : 1 host & 3 nights
Indonesia : 4 hosts & 54 nights
Singapore : 1 host & 2 nights
Malaysia : 4 hosts & 15 (?) nights
Thailand : 1 host & 3 nights
Japan : 10 hosts & ?? nights
South Korea
Hong Kong : 4 hosts & 12 nights
Mongolia : 1 host
Estonia : 2 hosts
Latvia :
Lithuania :
Germany :
Italy : 1 host & 3 nights
Netherlands : 2 hosts & 3 nights
Iceland : 1 host & 4 nights
(hosts number updated on August 12th 2013)

Nationalities I hosted = 41 people :
French : 7 surfers & 5 nights
American : 6 surfers & 11 nights
Russian : 2 surfers & 2 nights
Canadian : 1 surfer & 1 night
Argentine : 1 surfer & 1 night
Hungarian : 2 surfers & 2 nights
German : 7 surfers & 23 nights
Taiwanese : 2 surfers & 3 night
South-African : 1 surfer & 2 nights
Australian : 2 surfer & 2 nights
Malaysian : 1 surfer & 1 night
Brazilian : 1 surfer & 2 nights
New-Zealand : 1 surfer & 2 nights
China : 1 surfer & 1 night
Thailand : 3 surfers & 3 nights
You ? : x surfer & x nights :D


A bit geeky, love technology, photography and of course I really enjoy travelling.

Music, Movies, and Books

Books : Terry Pratchett's Discworld, H2G2 from Douglas Adams and lots of mangas (japanese comic books)
Movies : I'm a great fan of Jim Carrey and funny stupid comedies from 80's and 90's (Hot Shots, The Naked Gun, Groundhog Day, Ghostbusters, Police Academy...) and of course Monty Pythons & Mel Brooks movies :) But don't worry I won't force you to watch one of these ;)
Music : You don't want to know :D

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I played golf in the north of Norway at 1am under the midnight sun !
I met Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World-Wide-Web O_O
I have been invited by a member of the Blue Man Group to see their show :D
I drove a Ford Mustang The Boss 302 (444hp !) \o/
I attended the International Pillow Fight Day 2013 in NYC :)
I saw the sunset and the sunrise in Grand Canyon, and spent a very short night in between
I experienced astrophotography for the first time in Monument Valley :P
I didn't live the 10th of December 2013 !
I climbed Mount Fuji in Japan at night
I attended Bronycon, but I am not a Brony... Let's say I am Brony-friendly :)
I climbed Mount Doom and did NOT throw my Precious in it ! Sorry about that.
I spent the Christmas celebration in an indigenous tribe in Taiwan
I traveled through Japan from Fukuoka (Kyushu) to Wakkanai (Hokkaido) only with local trains... It took me 6 entire days :)
I saw the 1st sunrise of 2015 from the top of Xueshan in Taiwan after 2 days hiking
I lived 3 days in a yurt in Mongolia with a family
I came back to France from Hong Kong by land :D
I traveled to Iceland for 12 days, and spent absolutely ZERO for food ! B-)

Teach, Learn, Share

What can I teach ? French Cuisine :) and French language of course

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Austria, Belgium, Belize, Brunei Darussalam, Canada, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, French Guiana, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, Hungary, Iceland, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Lithuania, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Myanmar, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Russian Federation, Réunion, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, Taiwan

Old School Badges

  • 22 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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